Monday, February 28, 2011

Mock Trial Project

In History Class we participated in a mock trial competition among schools on the Constitution. First we all had units from 1-6, me and my Co-Blogger Omar had the pleasure of being in the same group. Our group of five had unit 6. In the competition we all had to write 1 paragraph each (5 in all) answering a question, ours was "How Does The Constitution Give And Limit The Powers Of The 3 Branches Of Goverment?". There was about four groups per unit. Our unit won out of our school, along with five other groups.

We later went to a city wide competition. there was six schools there. One by one groups went up to read there paragraphs, and state there arguments. Our group went toward the end of the day. Every 20 Minutes, after groups presented and answered questions, three new judges would come in. All of the scores that each group earned were added together. At the end of the day it was told wich school had the most point, Our school SHMS came in 3rd place.

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