Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wow Wow Wow, Its Mrs. O'Conner

Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman on the Supreme Court. Today the students in our class had a chance to meet her and and ask her questions. Born on March 26, 1930 former Justice O' Connor grew to be a great role model for girls every where. Previous to O Connor's appointment to the Supreme Court, she was elected an official and judge in Arizona. O'Connor has Lived a successful life, and i am sure she will continue to. But today while she was in our classroom, I was very interested in what she had to say. I honored to meet someone who is part of history.
O'Connor was born in  El Paso, Texas, and has had a incredible career as a jurist. She grew up on a ranch near Duncan, Arizona. O'Connor attended public school and later a private school while living with her grandmother. Sandra O'Connor went to Stanford Law School, receiving her B.A. and LL.B from the institute. O'Connor for the past 54 years has been very successful starting her career as a County Attorney in  San Mateo County, California, and then eventually becoming a member of the Supreme Court. Sandra O'Connor was nominated a for her position as Supreme Court Member by President Ronald Reagan.
O'Connor came to our class to talk about a program called iCivics. iCivics is a program teaching youth about Amendment Right, using computer games. I felt it was very interesting learning about her. Seeing Sandra O'Connor in our class was a very enlightening experience. Seeing her answer questions, telling about her life,  was incredible for me, and I'm sure for the rest of my class.

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