Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Incredible Visit From Ms.Crum About Alice Paul

~~Ms. Crum, a women that worked at the National Women's Party Headquarters came and enhanced the information that we knew about Alice Paul. on October 20th Ms. Crum Stood in front of our 3 & 4th A-day class and told us more about the fascinating history about Alice Paul, the women our class is named after. The presentation was interesting and I enjoyed listening to her and asking questions.
~~During Ms.Crum's presentation we couldn't help but learn a lot about not only Alice Paul, but what she stood for and what she believed in. We learned that Alice Paul was born into a wealthy Quaker family, but was very humble about it. Paul was a very intelligent woman, receiving a B.A., a Masters degree, and a PhD. Alice Paul fought for sufferage, the right for women to vote. Paul was also a social worker, helping families where the mother was the head of the house hold, single mothers. Paul used her experience that she learned in London to protest while in America and used the methods she learned from Pankhurst to also stand up for not only herself but for women everywhere.
~~Alice Paul is a great name for our class because she is a role model to all, not only women. Paul's story tells that every one, man, woman and child are equal. Equality is a very good standard to live by. We think it is great that a piece of history like the Sewall- Belmont house is so close to not only the capital and to Congress but also to our school. One Feature about the house we both learned and found interesting was the stairs from the jail on the side of the building.

Friday, October 22, 2010

omar comanche

My tribe is the comanche which is in south west. The comanche were affected by georghy because they had to hunt to have warmth during the winter and to eat, well women gathered food.

omar intruduction

Hey my name is Omar and i attend Stuart Hobson and i hope to have good times on this blog website. My role model would be my dad because he as helped me with all my problems and he is always there for me. The highlight of my life would being in school and getting good grades and playing basketball. I hope that be come successful and have a good life and a lot of money. I hope to have a lot of fun in this blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wow Wow Wow, Its Mrs. O'Conner

Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman on the Supreme Court. Today the students in our class had a chance to meet her and and ask her questions. Born on March 26, 1930 former Justice O' Connor grew to be a great role model for girls every where. Previous to O Connor's appointment to the Supreme Court, she was elected an official and judge in Arizona. O'Connor has Lived a successful life, and i am sure she will continue to. But today while she was in our classroom, I was very interested in what she had to say. I honored to meet someone who is part of history.
O'Connor was born in  El Paso, Texas, and has had a incredible career as a jurist. She grew up on a ranch near Duncan, Arizona. O'Connor attended public school and later a private school while living with her grandmother. Sandra O'Connor went to Stanford Law School, receiving her B.A. and LL.B from the institute. O'Connor for the past 54 years has been very successful starting her career as a County Attorney in  San Mateo County, California, and then eventually becoming a member of the Supreme Court. Sandra O'Connor was nominated a for her position as Supreme Court Member by President Ronald Reagan.
O'Connor came to our class to talk about a program called iCivics. iCivics is a program teaching youth about Amendment Right, using computer games. I felt it was very interesting learning about her. Seeing Sandra O'Connor in our class was a very enlightening experience. Seeing her answer questions, telling about her life,  was incredible for me, and I'm sure for the rest of my class.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Quintin's Power Point

The Geography of the area was costal, Humid, Swampy, and Marshy land meaning they had to hunt and fish a lot. the area was good for farming

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quintin's Introduction

Hello, My name is Quintin, I'm a student in Washington D.C.. One of my hobbies is Poetry. I am good at using computers, and i know how how to draw well. I want to get a lot out of this blog, and hope to have fun with it. I don't know if i have a Role Model. When I grow up though i would like to be an Aero Space Engineer, I have always had a interest in air planes and such but it was first applied in fifth grade for me. When I Grow up i want to be an Aerospace engineer building space ships and air planes

Omar's intro

Hi, my names Omar i live in Washington D.C. I Attend Stuart Hobson middle school. i hope to get a lot out i this blog project and learn different things about people.

Alice: The Great!!!!

Alice Paul was born January 11, 1885 and died July 9, 1977. She was born a Quaker, believing in peace. Paul later grew up to be a women's rights activist. during president Woodrow Wilson's term she fought for women to vote. Paul received her undergraduate degree at Swarthmore college. Paul Received a B.A. & a PhD at Pennsylvania University. Alice Paul Succeeded in all of her goals. Alice Paul is a wonderful name for our class because she is a great and wonderful woman, she was proud of what she stood for, and we should be proud to represent her!!!