Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Staton Park

Well I haven't gone to staton park yet but I can't wait! In my biograpy I included that I enjoy playing basketball. I am looking forward to see the kids at the park. I am also happy that I can help this kids have fun because we are big kids they look up too. I can't wait to see how the play will turn out?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Model U.N. Project

Last Wednesday on the on May 4th our 8th period class went to the State Department Building for Model United Nations Project. Model U.N. is just a "pretend" version of United Nations. It was interesting, me and my co-delegate/blog partner Omar represented Egypt. I learned how United Nations U.N.H.R.C. conducts there meetings. I liked how people got up and told about there countries, i didn't like how long we had to sit in the seats....listening.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

America I Am, National Geographic Field Trip

Today on Tuesday the 12th, our class along with Mr.Garner's class attended a National Geographic exhibit called America I Am: The Black American Imprint. After visiting the exhibit, we can conclude that the title is saying America, the life, culture, and history from the black prospective. The exhibit was interesting, simulating life and times in different periods of American history. i t was cool walking through and seeing how blacks lived and acted. the most, different part of the exhibit was walking through the bottom of the slave ship, the creaking floor bored. it was cool seeing the achievement part of the area, knowing our culture, our people have achieved so much. our favorite art of he exhibit was Michael Jordan, Chicago Bull's Jersey, And Tupac Shukur's poem in the middle of the room. the video at the back of end of the exhibit was the best, seeing so many iconic faces achieving so much, paving the was for the future generations. it is true "You can only appreciate freedom when you finally find yourself in a position where you're rooting for sombody else's freedom, and not worried about your own" - Ruby Dee

America I Am, National Geographic Field Trip

Today on Tuesday the 12th, our class along with Mr.Garner's class attended a National Geographic exhibit called America I Am: The Black American Imprint. After visiting the exhibit, we can conclude that the title is saying America, the life, culture, and history from the black prospective. The exhibit was interesting, simulating life and times in different periods of American history. i t was cool walking through and seeing how blacks lived and acted. the most, different part of the exhibit was walking through the bottom of the slave ship, the creaking floor bored. it was cool seeing the achievement part of the area, knowing our culture, our people have achieved so much. our favorite art of he exhibit was Michael Jordan, Chicago Bull's Jersey, And Tupac Shukur's poem in the middle of the room. the video at the back of end of the exhibit was the best, seeing so many iconic faces achieving so much, paving the was for the future generations. it is true "You can only appreciate freedom when you finally find yourself in a position where you're rooting for sombody else's freedom, and not worried about your own" - Ruby Dee

America I Am, National Geographic Field Trip

Today on Tuesday the 12th, our class along with Mr.Garner's class attended a National Geographic exhibit called America I Am: The Black American Imprint. After visiting the exhibit, we can conclude that the title is saying America, the life, culture, and history from the black prospective. The exhibit was interesting, simulating life and times in different periods of American history. i t was cool walking through and seeing how blacks lived and acted. the most, different part of the exhibit was walking through the bottom of the slave ship, the creaking floor bored. it was cool seeing the achievement part of the area, knowing our culture, our people have achieved so much. our favorite art of he exhibit was Michael Jordan, Chicago Bull's Jersey, And Tupac Shukur's poem in the middle of the room. the video at the back of end of the exhibit was the best, seeing so many iconic faces achieving so much, paving the was for the future generations. it is true "You can only appreciate freedom when you finally find yourself in a position where you're rooting for sombody else's freedom, and not worried about your own" - Ruby Dee

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mock Trial Project- Omar

Our eight grade history class took part in a contest. The "We The People" essay contest involved six groups, each group had an argument questions about the constitution. the contest first took place in our class. Me and Quintin, my co-blogger were apart of the same group. There were at least for groups competing for each unit question. Only six teams could win, our group had the pleasure of winning for unit 3.

Winners of there unit went to city wide, the next stage of the middle school competition. There were another 6 schools competing against us. Overall our school came in third place. This was a great experience for us to take place in. it was enjoyable.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuskegee Air Men

Last week, I Quintin was allowed the honor to listen to One of the men who served in WWII. He was one of the 900 Tuskegee Airmen, the first black group of pilots in the Air Force. There where many lessons to learn from Lt. Broadwaters, the man who spoke. I learned that Stereotypes are usually wrong, there was a poll prior to WWII saying blacks were incapable of flying air planes, but the Tuskegee Airmen proved that wrong. I also learned that anyone can do anything, and that intelligence leads to great things in life.

I (Omar) did not get to listen to Lt. Broadwaters, but i did learn a lot in the reading we did in class. I learned alot from the Tuskegee Airmen, like that there are no limits in life, or that there are people in life that try to harm you, and tear you down, but there are people in life that also want to help you. I learned this from the Tuskegee Airmen because they fought in a war during segregation in america, at first blacks weren't allowed to even fly air planes, but people helped push them so that they could, so that now the legacy that people helped the Tuskegee Airmen make, now allows minorities be apart of the Air Force, and other Armed Forces